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Showing posts from March, 2019

Film Editor William Goldenberg, ACE on Working Through the Dark Sequence of "Zero Dark Thirty" - VIDEO

Editor William Goldenberg, ACE discusses working on the both literally and figuratively dark climax of "Zero Dark Thirty."From the panel "Inside the Cutting Room with Bobbie O'Steen," at "Sight, Sound & Story" on June 13th, 2015. For more information go to: #SSS2015 , #ITCR , #BobbieOSteen , #MEWTube , #HP , #williamgoldenberg , #oscarwinner , #oscar , #academyaward , #editing , #insidethecuttingroom , #editing , #editor , #film , #zerodarkthirty , #billygoldenberg , #ACE , #americancinemaeditors , #intel , #sightsoundandstory

Sight, Sound & Story Event Series Launches Audio Podcast

The Sight, Sound & Story audio podcast series debuts featuring acclaimed Cinematographer Bruce Logan, ASC It’s a wealth of knowledge for anyone interested in the art and tech of filmmaking and storytelling.” — Jason Banke, "Sight, Sound & Story" Executive Producer This new bi-weekly series will highlight an acclaimed editor, cinematographer, sound designers, VFX artists or content creator pulled from our decade long events; as well as our upcoming 2019 symposiums. This audio podcast will have exclusive interviews with masters like Anne V. Coates, ACE (“Lawrence of Arabia,” “The Elephant Man”), Michael Kahn, ACE (“Raiders of the Lost Ark,” “Jurassic Park”), Robert McLachlan, ASC, CSC (“Game of Thrones,” “Ray Donovan”), William Goldenberg, ACE (“The Imitation Game,” “Argo), Kelley Dixon, ACE (“Breaking Bad,” “Better Call Saul”), Bruce Logan, ASC (“Star Wars: Episode I – A New Hope,” “Tron”), Dylan Tichenor, ACE (“Boogie Nights,” “There Will Be Blood”, Alan Hei...

Editor of “A Quiet Place” Christopher Tellefsen, ACE Returns as Manhattan Edit Workshop’s Next Artist in Residence

Six Week Students will have the opportunity to work with the Oscar-nominated Editor for MEWShop’s April workshop Manhattan Edit Workshop  (MEWShop), the cutting-edge, digital-training destination for post-production specialists and content creators is proud to announce the upcoming Artist in Residence for the April 29th class will be acclaimed editor Christopher Tellefsen, ACE.** Christopher was previously an Artist in Residence at MEWShop in 2006 and he has since gone on to find continued success in his career, including an Oscar-nomination for achievement in editing for the 2011 film “Moneyball.” He will be visiting with our Six Week Students to give an inside look at his start as a 3rd assistant editor on “The Color of Money” for legendary editor Thelma Schoonmaker, ACE, up through his work from last year’s critically acclaimed thriller “A Quiet Place.” “Since Tellefsen’s work as an editor is in high demand and he is always constantly working; this is a rare opportunity fo...

How to Replace a Clip in your Timeline in Adobe Premiere Pro - VIDEO

Manhattan Edit Workshop Instructor Kiri Roberts shows how to quickly and easily replace a clip in your timeline in Adobe Premiere Pro. More information about Manhattan Edit Workshop and the classes offered visit:  Follow us on Twitter: @MEWshop /   Like us on Facebook Manhattan Edit Workshop:  #mewshop , #manhattaneditworkshop , #training , #adobe , #premierepro , #premiere , #editing , #editor , #postproduction , #tips , #learn , #certifiedtraining , #education , #mewtube , #howto , #timeline , #replaceaclip

Film Editor William Goldenberg, ACE Discusses Editing the Exciting Climax of "Seabiscuit" - VIDEO

Editor William Goldenberg, ACE discusses editing the exciting climax of "Seabiscuit." From the panel "Inside the Cutting Room with Bobbie O'Steen," at "Sight, Sound & Story" on June 13th, 2015. For more information go to: #SSS2015 , #ITCR , #SeaBiscuit , #MEWTube , #BobbieOSteen , #WilliamGoldenberg , #Sightsoundandstory , #MEWShop , #billygoldenberg , #ACE , #americancinemaeditor , #tobeymaguire , #edit , #editing , #film , #editor , #HP , #intel , #hewlettpackard

Editor Michael Kahn, ACE, Discusses the Effectiveness of Not Cutting, as Seen in "Lincoln" - VIDEO

Manhattan Edit Workshop presents Sight, Sound & Story - Michael Kahn, ACE on “Lincoln.” From Sight, Sound & Story - June 14th, 2014. From the panel "Inside the Cutting Room with Bobbie O'Steen," at "Sight, Sound & Story" on June 14th, 2014. Sight Sound and Story is an annual event presented by Manhattan Edit Workshop that brings audiences "behind the scenes" with legends of visual storytelling. Each year the one day summit brings together a collection of diverse and intriguing high-profile speaker series to discuss the evolving world of post-production.   More information about Sight, Sound & Story go to #mewshop , #mewtube , #SSS2014 , #SSS2014 , #lincoln , #BobbieOSteen , #michaelkahn , #StevenSpielberg , #sightsoundandstory , #danieldaylewis , #ace , #editing , #filmediting #ITCR

How to Sync Audio and Merge Clips in Premiere Pro - VIDEO

Manhattan Edit Workshop's Director of Education Janet Dalton shows how to Sync Audio and Merge Clips in Premiere Pro CC. More information about Manhattan Edit Workshop and the classes offered visit: Follow us on Twitter: @MEWshop / Like us on Facebook Manhattan Edit Workshop: Friend us Manhattan Edit:   #mewshop , #PremierePro , #adobe , #Premiere , #editing , #SyncAudio , #MergeClips , #Training , #HowTo , #mewtube , @MEWShop, #ClassroomInACup  

Film Editor William Goldenberg, ACE Discusses Restructuring Scenes in "The Imitation Game" - VIDEO

Editor William Goldenberg, ACE discusses restructing scenes in "The Imitation Game." From the panel "Inside the Cutting Room with Bobbie O'Steen," at "Sight, Sound & Story" on June 13th, 2015. For more information go to: #SSS2015 , #ITCR , #BobbieOSteen , #TheImitationGame , #MEWTube , #HP   #ACE , #americancinemaeditors , #billygoldenberg , #alanturing , #sightsoundandstory , #bobbieosteen , #insidethecuttingroom , #BenedictCumberbatch , #AcademyAwardNominee , #bestpicture , #MortenTyldum , #KeiraKnightley , #editing , #edit , #editor , #postproduction

Editor William Goldenberg, ACE Discusses Working with Director Michael Mann on "Heat" -VIDEO

From the panel "Inside the Cutting Room with Bobbie O'Steen," at "Sight, Sound & Story" on June 13th, 2015. For more information go to:  #heat , #robertdeniro , #williamgoldenberg , #sightsoundandstory , #mewtube , #mewshop , #ace , #bobbieosteen , #michaelmann , #sss2015 , #editing , #filmediting , #alpacino , #americancinemaeditors , #ITCR

How to Automate a Sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro - VIDEO

Manhattan Edit Workshop Training Series: Automating to Sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro CC Manhattan Edit Workshop's Director of Education Janet Dalton shows how to automate to a sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. More information about Manhattan Edit Workshop and the classes offered visit:   Follow us on Twitter: @MEWshop /   Like us on Facebook Manhattan Edit Workshop:   #mewshop #mewtube #howto , #Premierepro , #PremiereProCC , #adobe , #adobepremierepro , #Creativecloud , #adobepremiere , #automatesequence , #learn , #mewtorial

Legendary Editor Anne V. Coates, ACE on Cross-Cutting in "Unfaithful" - VIDEO

Editor Anne V. Coates, ACE discusses cross-cutting in "Unfaithful." From "Sight, Sound & Story" on June 11th, 2016.  For more information go to: . #mewtube , #mewshop , #ITCR , #BobbieOSteen , #SSS2016 , @mewshop, @SightSndStory, #unfaithful , #annecoates , #ace , #americancinemaeditors , #HP , #Intel , #Hewlett -Packard

Film Editor William Goldenberg, ACE Discusses Mixing Different Footage Types in a Scene from "Argo" - VIDEO

Editor William Goldenberg, ACE discusses mixing different tones and different footage types in a scene from "Argo." From the panel "Inside the Cutting Room with Bobbie O'Steen," from Manhattan Edit Workshop's Sight, Sound & Story event on June 13, 2015. For more information visit and #argo , #benaffleck , #mewshop , #mewtube , #johngoodman , #sightsoundandstory , #williamgoldenberg , #ACE , #oscar , #editing , #bobbieosteen , #ITCR , #SSS2015 , #editor , #filmediting